MATERIALS : Natural Rubber base and Liforme’s unique eco-polyurethane top surface.
WEIGHT : Approx. 2.5kg.
DIMENSIONS : 185cm long x 68cm wide.
THICKNESS : Approx. 4.2mm.


WARRIOR-LIKE GRIP : We believe our revolutionary ‘GripForMe’ material is the grippiest Yoga mat material currently available on earth. It stays grippy even when ‘sweaty-wet’.
ALIGNMENT SYSTEM : Our unique ‘AlignForMe’ System works as a navigational tool for your Yoga asana practice. The combination of intelligent markers give you as much, or as little, guidance as you need.
UNIQUE PATENTED 3-LAYERED CONSTRUCTION : The unique design of a Liforme mat allows us to provide the most grippy surface and maintain maximum hygiene at the same time. It’s all down to our unique and patented three-layer construction and our quick drying CleanGrip Technology which stops sweat making its way into the natural rubber base.
PLANET FRIENDLY : Our mats are PVC-free, biodegradable in 1-5 years in normal landfill conditions and made using high quality non-toxic materials. We spent 5 years developing the most planet friendly Yoga mat using high quality materials.
MORE SPACE : The Liforme Yoga Mat gives you that extra bit of space you’ve been craving! Being a few inches longer and wider than regular Yoga mats, get prepared to feel comfortable in your special practising space. Just for you!
SUPPORT, STABILITY & CUSHIONING : Our mats strong natural rubber base and added felt portion between the layers provides extra support, stability and cushioning. With this extra protection for your bony bits, the Liforme Yoga Mat is sure to be your best bud in a regular asana practice.
